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Eye examinations are carried out by professional optometrists with university education.
DUOS Bratislava - Eurovea
Pribinova 8, 811 09 Bratislava
DUOS Bratislava - Dunajská
Dunajská 2285/3, 811 09 Bratislava
DUOS Praha - Westfield Chodov
Roztylská 2321/19, 148 00 Praha 11
DUOS Bratislava - Eurovea Pribinova 8, 811 09 Bratislava

DUOS Bratislava - Dunajská Dunajská 2285/3, 811 09 Bratislava

DUOS Praha - Westfield Chodov Roztylská 2321/19, 148 00 Praha 11

Instant online booking

The most modern devices

Premium dioptric lenses

Optometrists with university education

Specialists in multifocal glasses

Types of eye examinations

The analysis of your eye health in the eye test takes into account lifestyle, current prescription, eye pressure and muscle strength. This information will allow the optometrist to compile a detailed report on the health of your eyes.

Eye refraction examination

Objective and subjective refraction, examination of binocular vision, cooperation of the eyes, consultation of the detected result and proposal of optimal correction

Contact control

Inspection of contact lens wearers, inspection of the visa, front segment of the eye and consultation of the detected result with a recommendation

Complete examination

Examination of refraction of the eye, examination of binocular vision, inspection of the front segment of the eye, measurement of intraocular pressure, examination of color vision, consultation of the results with the recommendation of the optimal solution.

Measurement of intraocular pressure

with the evaluation of the measured value

Farbocyte examination

with the evaluation of the measured value

Anterior segment inspection

with the evaluation of the measured value

Make an appointment for an eye examination

Choose a store and make an appointment for a professional eye examination at DUOS


Book an eye examination at the DUOS - OC Eurovea store

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Make an appointment for an eye examination at the DUOS - Westfield Chodov

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What types of eye exam do you do?

1. Eye Refraction Examination - objective and subjective refraction, binocular vision examination, eye collaboration, consultation of the identified result and suggestion of optimal correction
2. Contactological control - control of contact lens holders, visa control, anterior segment of the eye, and consultation of the result found with recommendation
3. Complete examination - examination of eye refraction, examination of binocular vision, control of the anterior segment of the eye, measurement of intraocular pressure, examination of colorectomy, consultation of the findings with the recommendation of optimal solution.
4. Intraocular Pressure Measurement - Evaluating Measured Value
5. Color Examination - Evaluating Results
6. Front Segment Review - Evaluated

How can I order for an eye examination?

You can order your eye examination either online or by phone:

Tel. contact DUOS Bratislava: +421 919 289 843

Tel. contact DUOS Prague + 420 702 003 704

Bratislava: click here to order

Prague: click here to order